Call for volunteers for a field search
A field search will be organized 17-18 December before rainy weather ruins the frozen ground and complicates any searches. FRIPON provides more details in French (or see the Dutch version). Would you like to participate in this search? Register here as volunteer.
The meteor cameras of the FRIPON-network recorded a very bright fireball above Belgium on Tuesday 13 December at 17h37m local time. The event has been recorded by cameras of the FRIPON/Vigie-Ciel-network installed at Brussels (Belgium), Oostkapelle and Tilburg (the Netherlands). The videos are available:
- Video Brussel
- Video Oostkappele
- Video Tilburg
- For more information see:

Fireball of 2022 December 13, 16h37m UT recorded on a Watec (CAMS 3890) by Luc Gobin, Mechelen, Belgium.
The latest computations suggest that meteorites with a total mass of about 800g may have fallen, west of Gent. The map shows the area where fragments may be found. The largest fragments are probably in the western part of the area, left on the map

The roughly estimated area where meteorites may have fallen (Copyright: FRIPON)
François Colas (IMCCE – Paris – Responsable du projet FRIPON) (FR) – – +33 682 960 429