An overview of the radio observations during May 2021 is given.


The graphs show both the daily totals (Figure 1) and the hourly numbers (Figure 2) of “all” reflections counted automatically, and of manually counted “overdense” reflections, overdense reflections longer than 10 seconds and longer than 1 minute, as observed here at Kampenhout (BE) on the frequency of our VVS-beacon (49.99 MHz) during the month of May 2021.

The hourly numbers, for echoes shorter than 1 minute, are weighted averages derived from:

Most of the time the observations were complicated by (mainly) local interference, unidentified noise or by moderate to heavy lightning activity (on 11 different days) and on May 22nd, 23rd and 24th solar activity was so strong that at times the screen was whited out for several minutes… In order to minimize the effects of these disturbances the automatic counts were corrected manually.

The eye-catchers of the month were, as expected, the eta-Aquariids, which reached their maximum on May 6th and 7th, but remained rather moderate overall.

During the rest of the month, there was markedly increased activity compared to previous months, with several nice minor showers .

Attached is a selection of SpecLab screen captures of some interesting or long meteor reflections during this month (Figures 3 to 13).

If you are interested in the actual figures, or in plots showing the observations as related to the solar longitude (J2000) rather than to the calendar date, I can send you the underlying Excel files and/or plots. Please send me an e-mail;  felix.verbelen at


Figure 1 – The daily totals of “all” reflections counted automatically, and of manually counted “overdense” reflections, as observed here at Kampenhout (BE) on the frequency of our VVS-beacon (49.99 MHz) during May 2021.


Figure 2 – The hourly numbers of “all” reflections counted automatically, and of manually counted “overdense” reflections, overdense reflections longer than 10 seconds and longer than 1 minute, as observed here at Kampenhout (BE) on the frequency of our VVS-beacon (49.99 MHz) during  May 2021.


Figure 3 – Meteor reflection 3 May 2021, 05h10m UT.


Figure 4 – Meteor reflection 4 May 2021, 07h20m UT.


Figure 5 – Meteor reflection 5 May 2021, 03h50m UT.


Figure 6 – Meteor reflection 6 May 2021, 04h30m UT.


Figure 7 – Meteor reflection 9 May 2021, 05h45m UT.


Figure 8 – Meteor reflection 11 May 2021, 04h30m UT.


Figure 9 – Meteor reflection 12 May 2021, 07h00m UT.


Figure 10 – Meteor reflection 12 May 2021, 07h45m UT.


Figure 11 – Meteor reflection 13 May 2021, 09h55m UT.


Figure 12 – Meteor reflection 24 May 2021, 06h45m UT.


Figure 13 – Meteor reflection 28 May 2021, 07h00m UT.