A short summary of my observations from October 15/16 is given.

The night both started and ended with clouds, but a 1,53 hour period after local midnight provided good observing conditions. I was especially eager to see if the noticeable activity from the October Ursa Majorids (OCU) observed the previous night, would persist for a second night. Observations proved this not to be the case, with only one shower member observed through the entire period. The far most active shower this night was the Southern Taurids (STA), with 6 meteors in the magnitude range 3 to 5 observed. Activity from the Orionids (ORI) was also on the low side, with only 3 meteors observed. The total meteor count for the night was 25, with 2 meteors photographed with my DSLR camera.


22:50 – 00:25 Teff: 1.530, F: 1:00, Lm: 6.23, RA: 45, Dec: +50

Spo: -1, 0, 1(2), 2(2), 3(2), 4(3), 5 – 12 meteors

STA: 3, 4(3), 5(2) – 6 meteors

EGE: 3, 4 – 2 meteors

ORI: 3, 5(2) – 3 meteors

DAU: 0 meteors

LMI: 1 – 1 meteor

OCU: 6 – 1 meteor

Break between 23:50 and 23:53.

Observed showers:

Southern Taurids (STA)

Epsilon Geminids (EGE)

Orionids (ORI)

Delta Aurigids (DAU)

Leo Minorids (LMI)

October Ursa Majorids (OCU)