Radio Meteor Observations in the World: Monthly Reports for May 2017 by The International Project for Radio Meteor Observation(IPRMO).
Eta-Aquariids 2017
One one the major meteor showers, Eta-Aquariids was active this month. The activity level was higher than in other years. Figure 1 shows the comparison between the average annual activity covering the period 2004-2017 (red line) and this year (circle with error).

Figure 1 – Eta-Aquariids 2017 using data at 30 observing stations in 12 countries. The Comparison between average annual activity (red line) and the 2017 activity (circles with errors).
The peak around Solar Longitude=44°.3 was predicted peak by several researchers. This compornent was estimated as maximum activity level=1.1 at Solar Longitude 44°.32 (May 4th 20h30m(UT)) with Full Witdh Half Maximum(FWHM) -3.0hr / +3.0hr.
The annual peak which has a peak around 45°.5 was shown around 45°.4-45°.6. This was estimated as maximum activity level=1.3 at 45°.41 (May 5th 23h30m(UT)) with FWHM: -48.0hr / +42.0hr.
The detail result : Result of 2017 Eta-Aquariids (by IPRMO).
May, 2017
The following graph showes the monitored result (using ONLY Japanese stations) in May 2017. In Japan, there was no unusual activity except for the period of the Eta-Aquariids. Although some high activity levels which were above the usual level (0.0±0.4), some uncertain wheather occurred and some meteor activity may be due to observing errors.

Figure 2 – Monitored result for May in 2017 (only Japan).
— Radio Meteor Observing Bulletin (RMOB)
— Radio Meteor Observation in Japan (RMOJ)
— all radio meteor observers