The first 4 Lyrid orbits of 2016 were collected in the night of 17-18 April 2016 when in total 84 orbits were collected by the Benelux CAMS network. The nights of 19-20 and 20-21 April produced much better Lyrid rates. For 19-20 April 110 orbits were collected among which several Lyrids, the night of 20-21 April hasn’t been completely collected yet. A couple of Lyrids captured in recent nights are displayed in Figures 1 and 2. The maximum activity is expected to occur on April 22 at 6h UT.
After a period of very low meteor activity, rates are increasing and not only due to the Lyrids. The CMOR radiant map of 2016 April 21 around 9h45m UT shows very distinct activity from different sources (see Figure 3). Unfortunately the almost Full Moon will interfere with visual observations.

Figure 1 Lyrid captured 2016 April 20 at 01h35m32s UT by CAMS 383 in Mechelen Belgium (by the author), also recorded by E. van Ballegoij (348), H. Betlem (371), M. Breukers (320), H. Lamy (395) and Carl Johannink (316).

Figure 2 Lyrid captured 2016 April 20 at 02h52m22s UT by CAMS 383 in Mechelen Belgium (by the author), also recorded by E. van Ballegoij (348) , H. Betlem (371) , M. Breukers (320), Carl Johannink (316).

Figure 3 Radiant distribution observed by CMOR on 2016 April 21 around 09h45m UT.